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6 Pack Abs and 2 Dirty Little Secrets

By: Tod Syversen

Six-Pack Abs and Flat stomachs are always on the hot list. Exercises and gadgets sold to achieve a flat stomach are one of the most controversial topics in the fitness industry. Millions of abdominal gadgets, gimmicks, and exercise machines litter the closets of homes around the world. Yet there is information crucial to your success that product makers will never willingly tell. This missing information is what keeps you buying ever more "fitness products" hoping this time will be different.

First, the most critical thing for great looking six pack abs is losing the extra fat covering up your stomach muscles. Most people already have decent abdominals. No, really, you probably do too. Those secret six pack abs are just tragically hidden under layers of fat. To get these hidden stomach muscles to emerge into the light of day you must eat a diet that is right for you. You need to know what foods will work for your lifestyle and tastes.

If you want a fitness model's stomach the perfect diet alone is not enough. You must combine a diet proper for you along with the correct fat burning exercises. Once you do that you can get into the shape required to join the abdominal elite. Notice how I said the word 'correct' before 'fat burning exercises' in the previous sentence?

The next inconvenient truth for the fitness gadget industry is almost all of the stomach exercises recommended on TV, the Internet, in magazines, etc. are not the best way to get those six pack abs to appear. Too much focus is wasted on abdominal exercises when trying to flatten the stomach. The best exercises for losing abdominal fat are ones that work the largest portions of the body at once.

To compound matters product makers are getting ever more focused on the abdominals. Which would you choose, 10-15 minutes of exercise that will burn at all day long or spend $100 on a gadget that will only burn a few calories while you are using it? The industry's problem here is that an expensive AbdomiTronic™ is not required in the first scenario.

Fitness product makers know there is not much money to be made in telling people to eat right for your needs and to perform basic time-tested exercises. There is big money to be made in giving people enough information to blind them with science and then present the magical solution though. Since most people are not aware of the whole story about how to get into great shape gadget makers capitalize on that ignorance. Neat looking products are churned out that claim to wipe away all the reasons you can't get into the shape you've always dreamed of. While casually leaving out any conflicting details that show the gadget is not neccessary.

To get flat abdominals and bring out your six pack losing the extra stomach fat is the top priority. Next in line after eating right is taking advantage of full body exercises to work the most muscle possible. Full-body exercises are one of the best kept secrets for sexy six pack abs. Now this information is only the starting point. As I wrote earlier you have to eat right for you and find the most effective exercises that suit you.

No doubt the questions "What actually is eating right?" and "What are those effective exercises?" popped into your head. Well, that is a completely different topic than six pack abs and a story for another day...

Tired of throwing money at the latest dieting fad? Don't go broke trying to buy your way to six pack abs. Read up on the hotest diets before you lay down any more hard earned cash:

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