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Getting Ready for Swimsuit Season: Tips for a Bikini Beach Body

If you’re starting to despair about achieving that perfect bikini body, don’t give up. The right combination of high-energy cardio and other sculpting routines can increase your metabolism rate, blast calories, and melt fat. And the best thing is that you can accomplish these goalsin just few minutes a day. Whether you’re planning to enter a swimsuit contest or just want to look your best on the beach, here are few steps for achieving your fitness goals.

·       Set up a baseline

For your workout program to be a success, you need to monitor your progress. When you keep track of your fitness, you’re more inclined to improve daily. Start by creating a baseline of your fitness, being sure to include all the moves that strengthen the core muscles. Good metrics include how many pushups you can do at a time, your best time holding a plank, the number of lunges you can do in a minute, and how long you can stick to your wall squat.

·       Become a front-loader when it comes to eating

If you’re trying to slim down, it’s best to consume the major part of your calories before 3 pm. Studies suggest that people who eat their biggest meals early in the day usually end up shedding more weight than those who consume the same number of calories later in the day. Keep your dinners light, and don’t push your lunch to the late afternoon.

·       Stretch yourself to increase your strength

Women tend to underestimate power of stretching. As people age, the elasticity of their muscles often decreases, so that vigorous activity causes pain, aches, and even injury. Stretching helps to prevent and to relieve this pain, which allows you to exercise longer and build your strength.

·       Include juices in your diet

A great diet suggestion is to quit eatinghigh-calorie baked goods and to satisfy your cravings instead by sipping hydrating, nutrient-packed juices. Different kinds of fruit juice have various positive effects on your body. Drinking lots of fruit juices (real fruit juices, not sugar-sweetened fruit drinks) delivers vitamins and other nutrients while quenching your thirst and filling you up.

If you’re hoping to rock the beach in your bikini, you can make a great start by following these few simple tips. For more check out the fitness strategies at fitnessgoals.

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